학부 공지사항

학부 공지사항

공지 ★Important!★ Graduation Project Requirements for Students graduating in February 2026
2025-02-03 10:11:34 조회수1874

1. Date & Time: Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 10:00 AM (will be held for approx. 30 minutes)

2. Location: Online:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81634888673?pwd=1obGkg3LDdUeBR7ug1Q38zcDbUsb7Y.1
Meeting ID: 816 3488 8673
Passcode: 128417

3. Recording of the session
- Slides are attached
- Link to the zoom recording

4. To graduate, students must take Artificial Intelligence Project 1 and 2, which are linked to the graduation project.

Therefore, the following students must enroll in the Artificial Intelligence Project courses in the upcoming semester:
- Students expected to graduate in February 2026
- Students advancing to the 4th year
- Students with two semesters remaining before graduation

  : We have added an option so that you can choose your own topic ([OPEN]). If you choose this option, you can pursue your own project. HOWEVER, (1) You will be randomly assigned to a supervisor (you can't choose a supervisor), (2) Your project still needs to be approved by the supervisor that will be assigned before initiating your project (you can't just go ahead and start your project. we want you to pursue a project that is comparable to others), and (3) You should tell us about the project as detailed as possible.   ALSO, if you choose the [OPEN] option. The rank of the [OPEN] option will be your last option. For example, if you choose the [OPEN] option as the 5th ranked option, we will not be considering rank 6~10 (just fill it with other projects). You will be either assigned to the projects  ranked 1~4 or if that does not work out we will allow you to pursue your own project with the above restrictions. 
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