1. Credits

(1) MS: 27 credits

- 전공선택(Major Elective): 11 credits higher

- 연구선택(Research Elective): 3 credits(Computer Engineering Paper Research)

- 연구필수(Research Compulsory): 2 credits(Master's Thesis Study)

- HYPER Hanyang(E-learning class): 1 credit


(2) PhD: 38 credits

- 전공선택(Major Elective): 17 credits higher

- 연구필수(Research Compulsory): 4 credits(Doctoral Thesis Study 1, Doctoral Thesis Study 2)

- HYPER Hanyang(E-learning class): 1 credit


(3) Combined MS-PhD Program: 59 credits

- 전공선택(Major Elective): 26 credits higher

- 연구선택(Research Elective): 3 credits(Computer Engineering Paper Research)

- 연구필수(Research Compulsory): 4 credits(Master's Thesis Study)

- HYPER Hanyang(E-learning class): 1 credit



2. Qualification Test

- Foreign Language Test: This will be informed through the department website

(1) Application: HY Portal Services Test & Examinations Registration-Language Test

(2) Subject: English or Korean

* Students from English-Speaking Countries must take Korean

(3) Substitution: Submit the transcript from the qualified institution

어학시험 인정 기준 


- Comprehensive Examination

(1) Application: HY Portal Services Test & Examinations Registration-Comprehensive Examination

(2) Subjects: Data Base, Algorithms, Operating System, Artificial Intelligence, Imbedded System, Data Architecture, Computer Architecture, Computer Graphics, Computer Network, Computer Security, Engineering Mathematics, Computer vision

(3) Passing Cut: 60/100

* MS: must apply 3 and pass 3(pass 2 apply 1 on the next exam)

* PhD: must apply 4 and pass 4(pass 3 apply 1 on the next exam)



3. Dissertation

- Procedure: Online Application Submission of Application Form and Evidence Materials for Thesis Publication Performance Judgement Judgement Outcome Report Online and Hardcopy Submission

Qualification for a dissertation

- Students who have registered 4 or more semesters (Combined MS & PhD Course: six or more semesters)

- Students who have completed or can complete credits towards graduation this semester

- Students who have passed the Foreign Language Test

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