대학원 공지사항

대학원 공지사항

행사 4월 19일 인텔리전스컴퓨팅학과 뇌과학 세미나(zoom) 공지 안내
2021-04-12 14:44:01 조회수1825


대학원 인텔리전스컴퓨팅학과 수업 뇌과학(Neuroscience)에 외부 강연자를 초청해 세미나를 진행하려고 합니다.

Zoom을 통한 세미나를 진행하려고 하니, 관심있는 분들의 참여를 부탁드립니다.


일시:  2021년 4월 19일 (월요일) 오후 1시

발표연자:  Jaekyung Kim, PhD
University of California-San Francisco, San Francisco, USA


제목: Roles of Sleep Oscillations in Memory Consolidation Versus Forgetting of Motor Learning
초록: Sleep has been implicated in both memory consolidation and forgetting of experiences.
However, it is unclear what governs the balance between memory consolidation and forgetting.
We tested how activity-dependent processing during sleep might differentially regulate these two
processes (Kim et al., Cell, 2019). This study made an important discovery about the underlying
neural basis of offline memory processing by introducing two types of slow waves (slow-
oscillations/SO vs. delta-waves) and fill a gap between the leading theories; the “active
systems consolidation” and the “synaptic homeostasis hypothesis” (SHY). My presentation will
show that SO and delta-waves have dissociable and competing roles in memory consolidation versus
forgetting during NREM sleep using real-time closed-loop optogenetic methods. Based on these
findings, we examined precisely how activity-dependent processing during sleep is affected by
stroke and how to optimally recruit such processing via a pharmacological reduction of tonic
GABA to benefit motor memory consolidation and thereby, rehabilitation. The last part of my
presentation will show how the sleep-dependent processes in the multi-regional areas of brain are
linked to the long-term motor learning (i.e., reach-to-grasp task) in rats.

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